Saturday 13 August 2022
God’s plan can never be defeated, but it will come into fruition,
God’s plan can never be defeated, but it will come into fruition,
The Word of God reminds us how one should conduct their lives on Earth so that they would always be found in God’s friendship.
If a person is not aware of where his or her heart’s desire is, then one may tend to focus on the material world, forgetting about the true treasures of life and the generous giver, which one should constantly seek in life.
I always believe that prayer is never a waste of time, rather it is time safely invested for the future of our life.
The Word of God is active and alive; so, allow the word of God into your lives, which will indeed transform your actions too.
If we restrict love or generosity in any way, they cease to be.
Let us implore the light of the Holy Spirit, so that all of us may find our proper place and give the very best of ourselves in this great divine plan!
When receiving Holy Communion, it is important to remember that this divine gift exceeds all human longing and strengthens us to fulfil our mission to become witnesses of his love for the world.
We are called to be active participants in the Eucharist. I do not only mean participation in the liturgy but in the living Eucharist happening around us, namely the Mission of the Church.
Because we are eternally loved by God, we become the not just objects of His love, we become the Mystery of Love, capable of loving all humanity and everything that God has created.