Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Greetings to you all!
Welcome to the third week in our Advent journey. Advent is a great reminder for all of us to think about the love of God in our lives and it is also a great time to prepare ourselves to celebrate the joy of Christmas. Today’s Mass begins with the opening antiphon: “Gaudete in Domino semper,” i.e., “Rejoice in the Lord always.”
The third Sunday of Advent is also known Gaudete Sunday, which means rejoicing Sunday. This Sunday reminds us that we are getting nearer to the joy of Christmas. So, every believer should happily prepare to celebrate this day.
Through the prophet Isaiah, the Lord God tries to stir up in his exiled children the hope of their return to Israel by assuring them of His saving power in their lives. He reminds them that it was through their disloyalty to Him that they had lost their liberty, had been taken as slaves to Babylon and had lived there in servitude for sixty years (598-538 BC).
The Jews were finally set free by Cyrus (who had captured Babylon), and were allowed to return to their native land, rebuild the Temple and serve their God once more as His Chosen People. Through the prophet, Yahweh assures the exiles that He will lead them back to their land in this second exodus (6th century B.C.), as He led their ancestors from Egypt to the Promised Land in the first exodus (13th century BC).
The Lord God says that He is going to do three things for them:
- He will transform the wasteland lying between their land of exile and Israel into a new Garden of Eden to facilitate their journey.
- The weak and the sick will be strengthened for the journey.
- They will reach their destination singing and crowned with glory.
The assurance of this second exodus is chosen for Advent, because both Exodus events foreshadow the coming of the Messiah.
Friends, our loving God gives us his assurances that He will not abandon us rather he will see that the purpose of our lives will come into fulfillment. As God gives us his hope and safety in our lives, let us also continue to support one another around this time. Let us help those who have nothing, so that we shall continue to live the message of the Gospel in a practical way. Amen.
Fr. John Sebastian OMI
Rector & Parish Priest
The weekend eBulletin
Click here to download the ebulletins for the Third Sunday of Advent Year A.
Message from Fr Christian Fini OMI, Provincial
Fr Christian Fini, Provincial of the Australian Province wishes to announce the following changes to the Fremantle Parish commencing from 17th April 2023.
- Fr John Sebastian will be moving to Dernancourt, SA to take up the position of Parish Priest of St Pius X Parish. He will be replaced in Fremantle by Fr Slawek Plonka. He is currently Parish Priest in Eagle Vale, NSW.
- Fr Angelo Wijewickrama will move to St Mary Star of the Sea in Sorrento, VIC as Assistant Parish Priest.
- Fr Giancarlo Iollo has been appointed Assistant Parish Priest and Italian Chaplain to the Fremantle Parish for the next three years.
- Fr John Patrick John Mary will continue his ministry in Fremantle.
We wish Frs John Sebastian & Angelo all the very best in their new parishes and we wish Frs Giancarlo & Patrick all the very best for their continued ministry in Fremantle.

Parish Morning Tea
Join us on Sunday 18 December for our Christmas parish morning tea, which will be held after the 8am Mass in the Presbytery Carport. All Welcome.
Second Rite of Reconciliation
To celebrate the joy of Christmas, spiritual preparation is also essential. 2nd Rite of Reconciliation will be held on Wednesday 21st December at 7pm, in the Basilica.
Monday 12th December: Memorial Mass for David Shelton OMI
On Monday 12th December we will celebrate a memorial Mass at 12pm Mass to celebrate the third anniversary of the death of Fr. David Shelton. May he Rest in Peace.
Special Leaving Collection for Ukraine
The Catholic community in Australia has been asked to support the Ukrainian people through a special Advent collection. This Sunday, at all Masses, we will be taking up a leaving collection to help the needs of Ukrainian people. Please be generous.
Monthly Senior’s Light Lunch
The last Senior’s Morning Tea for 2022 will be held on Monday 19 December but will be held after the Midday Mass and will be a light lunch in the Parish Centre.
Advent Retreat 2022

Advent can be a time of waiting with joyful excitement and intense anticipation, knowing that in a few short weeks two thousand years ago Jesus, the Word become a human being, will be born. Not as a prince to a royal family but to poor Jewish parents in a stable among domesticated animals.
Retreat held on the following Mondays 12th and 19th December at 6pm at St. Patrick’s Basilica Fremantle Parish Centre. There is no charge. To register your interest: call the parish office on 9335 2268 Mon to Fri 9am to 3pm or email
Christmas Offerings
Usually twice a year you are invited, as a community, to make a special effort to financially support the Priests of the Basilica. Envelopes are available in your planned giving boxes or in the pews of the Church. Your generosity is very much appreciated along with your prayers, encouragement, and blessings.

Christmas Carols by Candlelight in the Basilica
Come along and enjoy an evening of music, readings, and carols in the Basilica on Friday 16 December at 7.30pm with Andrew Brown (organist), Emma Oorschot (conductor), the Choir of St Elizabeth and the Basilica Cantors. Entry Fee by donation. All Welcome.

Planned Giving
The Planned Giving Programme is an important part of the Parish and assists us to maintain all aspects of the Basilica, Presbytery and Parish Administration Centre. To keep the Parish viable, we must maintain a target of 95% and above each week. Last week giving was 49%.
Please consider joining the Planned Giving Programme. For more information contact the Parish Office. Thank you!
EFT First Collection Details
BSB: 086 006
A/c No: 56187 5405
Reference: 1st Collection and your name
First Collection supports the Priests.
EFT Second Collection Details
BSB: 066 107
A/c No: 0080 0216
Reference: 2nd Collection and your name
Second Collection supports the Parish.
Regarding Masks
Masks are not mandatory; however, masks are encouraged where physical distancing is not possible if you have cold & flu symptoms, or you wish to safeguard yourself from the COVID-19 virus.
Safeguarding of our children in the Parish
The Archdiocesan Safeguarding Project was started in 2016 by Archbishop Timothy Costello SDB with the aim of providing a safe and secure environment for all its members, leaders and especially children and vulnerable adults. The parish of St Patrick’s Basilica is committed to creating a safe parish. To read more please click here.
Upcoming Events
Friday 16 December: Carols by Candlelight in the Basilica.
Sunday 18 December: Christmas Parish Morning Tea.
Wednesday 21 December: 2nd Rite Reconciliation.
Friday 23 December: Handel’s Messiah Concert.