Dear Parishioners and Friends,
This Sunday we begin the liturgical season of Ordinary Time. For many Sundays in this lectionary cycle (Cycle C), our readings will be taken from the Gospel of Luke. Occasionally, however, we will read from John’s Gospel. This is true of today’s Gospel reading, which describes the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and his first miracle.
To situate today’s reading within the context of John’s Gospel, we note that John’s report of this event follows Jesus’ call of his first disciples. John tells us that Jesus and his disciples were invited to this wedding at Cana, as was Jesus’ mother, Mary. There is no parallel report of this miracle at Cana in the Synoptic Gospels. In the Church’s liturgical history, the wedding feast of Cana is closely associated with the baptism of the Lord and the adoration of the infant Jesus by the Wise Men. In this context, the sign Jesus performs at the wedding feast is celebrated as an epiphany or a manifestation of Jesus’ divinity.
Yet awareness of Jesus’ impending passion and death is ever present in John’s Gospel. Even in this report of Jesus’ first sign, the language used anticipates Jesus’ passion. When Jesus says to his mother that his hour has not yet come, he protests against her wishes in language that John will use again when reporting Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples. When introducing the story of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet, John writes that Jesus knew that his hour had come. In John’s Gospel, Jesus is very much in command and aware of all that is to happen to him. Here, as elsewhere in John’s Gospel, Mary is not mentioned by name but is referred to instead as the mother of Jesus. Mary is influential in Jesus’ first sign. She will also be present at his Crucifixion, a witness to the final manifestation of his divinity.
John’s Gospel describes seven signs that indicate Jesus’ identity to his disciples. John never speaks of these signs as miracles because their importance is not in the deed that Jesus performs but in what these deeds indicate about Jesus’ identity. Here, as when John describes the other signs, the disciples are said to begin to believe, but no mention is made as to whether the other wedding guests are even aware of what has happened.
Marriage and wedding feasts are metaphors used in Scripture to describe God’s salvation and the Kingdom of God. Here at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, John’s Gospel seeks to establish that Jesus is going to re-interpret and fulfill Yahweh’s promise to Israel. Jesus establishes the New Covenant. A hint about what this New Covenant will be like is made evident in the deed that Jesus performs. Asked to do something to address the awkward situation that the absence of wine at a wedding feast would create, Jesus’ miracle produces vast quantities of wine—six jars holding thirty gallons each are filled to overflowing with choice wine.
This lavish response to a simple human need is a vision for us of the abundance of God’s kingdom. It challenges us to respond generously when confronted with human need today. We respond as best we can, fully confident that God can transform our efforts, bringing the Kingdom of God to fulfillment among us. (source Loyola Press).
The Weekend eBulletin
Click here to download the eBulletin for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C.
Christmas Offerings
The Oblates would like to sincerely thank everyone who have supported them through the Christmas Offerings and the many gifts they received during Christmas. You will all be remembered in their prayers. Thank You and God Bless.
Parish Morning Tea
The next Parish Morning Tea will be held on Sunday 16th February after the 8am Mass in the Presbytery Carport. All Welcome.
Jubilee Year 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope
What is a Jubilee? A Jubilee is a special year of grace and conversion, involving prayer, pilgrimage and sacramental repentance, held every 25 years, or during other years as called for by the Pope.
Through a series of concrete rituals, acts and commitments, the goal of a Jubilee year is to inspire and encourage holiness of life among the faithful and therefore to strengthen the Church’s witness to God’s loving mercy in and for the world.
This year the Basilica of St Patrick has been chosen as one of the five Churches in the Archdiocese of Perth as a place of pilgrimage. We invite everyone to participate in this Jubilee Year.
Basilica Carpark
The Basilica grounds are open at 7am to 7.30pm Mon to Sunday. Any cars that are parked in the grounds after lockup will need to be collected the following morning. Parking in the Basilica grounds is at your own risk.
Safeguarding of our children in the Parish
The Archdiocesan Safeguarding Project was started in 2016 by Archbishop Timothy Costello SDB with the aim of providing a safe and secure environment for all its members, leaders and especially children and vulnerable adults. The parish of St Patrick’s Basilica is committed to creating a safe parish. To read more, visit
Weekly Giving
The collections are an important part of a Parish life. Your weekly 1st collection donations support the Priests in the parish to minister to the needs of the parish community and the Fremantle boarders.
Your weekly 2nd collection donations help us to maintain all aspects of the Basilica, Presbytery and Administration Centre. Without your assistance we would not be able to provide and maintain the Parish and its community. Thank You!
Please continue to give generously via the collection plate, tap and go tablets or direct deposits into the accounts below.
EFT First Collection Details
BSB: 086 006
A/c No: 56187 5405
Reference: 1st Collection and your name
First Collection supports the Priests.
EFT Second Collection Details
BSB: 066 107
A/c No: 0080 0216
Reference: 2nd Collection and your name
Second Collection supports the Parish.
WARMSS Free Concerts
WA Renaissance Music Summer School has some free concerts in Fremantle from Wednesday 22 January to Saturday 25 January. See flyer below on the noticeboards in the side foyers of the Church. All Welcome.