Saturday 18 December 2021
As we are moving closer to the joy of the celebration, please remember and pray for those whom you feel may be lonely and need some joy in their lives and reach out to them in every way possible.
As we are moving closer to the joy of the celebration, please remember and pray for those whom you feel may be lonely and need some joy in their lives and reach out to them in every way possible.
As we await in faith and hope for Christ’s birth, pray that we will make our hearts pure to receive that joy of Christ in our lives and radiate that love and joy to our brothers and sisters in the world.
We begin today our second week of our Advent journey; with love and hope in the promises of God which come to us through the Scriptures.
Let us begin these days of our preparation for the birth of our Lord, with great joy and enthusiasm.
As we live our daily lives, let us remember that we are pilgrims on earth marching towards our true and eternal King Jesus Christ.
If I live my daily lives on this earth to the fullest then I will not be worried to meet death, rather I will be happy to meet it, because being united with my heavenly Father is my ultimate aim of my life.
The Word of God powerfully reminds us that, we must be charitable towards our needy neighbour, not only when we have some superfluous goods which we can give away, but even when we have only bare essentials our ourselves.
When Jesus talked about love of neighbour, he meant everyone who was in need.
Let us continue to ask Jesus at this troubled time of the world, that we continue to uphold our faith in Jesus high, because nothing is impossible for God.
Service to one’s brothers and sisters is the beautiful statement a disciple of Jesus can leave to the world.