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Saturday 23 October 2021

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Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Greetings to you all!

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Year B

If Jesus appears before you and asks you, what do you want me to do for you? What will be your answer? I am sure some of you might have told Jesus straight away what you wanted and some of you may still try to ask what you really need for your life. But when Jesus asked Bartimaeus, he jumped with his need. Lord I want to see because that is what he was looking for in his life.

When Jesus started his public ministry, he proclaimed saying, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed. (Lk 4:16-18).

We could see this promise of Jesus being fulfilled in the life of Bartimaeus. The same idea is also found in the first reading where the prophet Jeremiah says, “See, I will bring them back from the land of the North and gather them from the far ends of earth; all of them: the blind and the lame, women with child, women in labour: a great company returning here.”

Helen Keller who went blind when she was two years of age said: one day I asked a friend of mine who had just returned from a long walk in the woods what she had seen. She replied, ‘nothing in particular.’ How was this possible? I asked myself. How is it possible when I, who cannot hear or see, find hundreds of things to interest me through mere touch. I feel the delicate shape and design of a leaf. I pass my hands lovingly over the rough bark of a pine tree. Occasionally, I place my hand quietly on a small tree, and if I am lucky, feel the happy quiver of a bird in full song. The greatest calamity that can befall people is not that thy should be born blind but that they should have eyes yet fail to see.

Let us continue to ask Jesus at this troubled time of the world, that we continue to uphold our faith in Jesus high, because nothing is impossible for God. We continue to pray in faith that this painful pandemic comes to an end and the world returns to normality. Amen

Readings and Hymns

Please click here to download the readings and hymns for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B.

Family Mass

The Family Mass music is different from the other Masses so kindly click here to download the readings and hymns for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B.  

Blessing of the Fleet: Mass and procession

On Sunday 24th October at 9.30am, Bishop Emeritus Justin Bianchini, will lead the Italian Mass, for the Blessing of the Fleet.

The procession will start at 2pm, from the Basilica of St. Patrick and go to the fishing harbour through the streets of Fremantle, to bless the boats and pray for the safety of the fishermen and for a good harvest from the sea. It will be followed by Benediction at the Basilica.

Please come along to celebrate this long-standing tradition of our Fremantle community. Please note that evening Mass for this Sunday will be held at 6pm. Thanks.

Iona Graduation Mass

On Monday 25th October, 123 ladies from Iona Presentation College will celebrate their graduation Mass at the Basilica of St. Patrick. Please keep the graduating class of 2021 in your prayers that they may continue to choose the correct path in the next stage of their lives.

Safeguarding Training for Church Workers

The Parish of St Patrick’s makes a commitment to practices and protocols that create and maintain safe environments for all people. We are ensuring that everyone who works for the church (paid or unpaid) understands and recognises how the National Safeguarding Standards work in keeping children, young people, and adults at risk safe. A face-to-face Training Session will be available for All Church Workers to attend. Everyone who performs a role with the church in a paid or voluntary capacity must attend a 2-hour Church Workers’ Training session.

St Patrick’s Basilica Parish will host a training session for all the Church Workers on Saturday 30th October at 10am in our Parish centre. Please click here to register. 

Archbishop’s Pastoral Letter

Please click here to access the latest Pastoral letter from our Archbishop.

Columban Calendars for 2022

Columban Calendar’s for 2022 are available in the piety stall of the Basilica of St. Patrick. Each calendar costs $10. Please make your purchase and support the mission.  

Safeguarding of our children in the Parish

The Archdiocese Safeguarding Project was started in 2016 by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe with the aim of providing a safe and secure environment for all its members, leaders and especially children and vulnerable adults. The parish of St Patrick’s Basilica is committed to creating a safe parish. To read more please click here.

Important Celebrations in November 2021

All Saints Day

Monday 1st November All Saints Day. We will have the usual Midday Mass to celebrate this Day. (Oblates recall the day in 1818 when the Missionaries of Provence first pronounced their vows).

All Soul’s Day Masses and Offering Envelopes

We shall continue to remember and pray for all our loved one’s during this month of November that they enjoy eternal life and thus they also pray for us and help us to walk in the light of faith they have shown to us.

All Souls’ Day Mass offering envelopes are available in the side foyers of the Church and the Parish Office.  These Envelopes can be placed on the collection plate or handed in to the parish office. May they rest in Peace.

There will be Three Masses on the 2nd of November: 9am, 12pm and 7pm.

All Souls Day Mass at the Mausoleum, Fremantle Cemetery

A Mass to commemorate All Souls Day will be held at Fremantle Cemetery in the Mausoleum on Tuesday 2nd November at 6pm. The Metropolitan Cemeteries Board welcomes all parishioners to this spiritual occasion. All visitors are asked to park in the Carrington Street car park. For further details, please contact Fremantle Cemetery on  1300 793 109

Parish Morning Tea

On Sunday 7th November after the 8am Mass, we will have our Parish Morning Tea. Please join us and meet and make friends from the Basilica Community.

Archbishop’s LifeLink Appeal

The Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for LifeLink will be held in the weekend of 13th /14th November 2021

Please collect your copy of Archbishop Costelloe’s personal letter at Masses on 6th and 7th November. please read his message during the week and give generously to support the valuable work of our Archdiocesan social service agencies.

You can mail your donation directly in the reply-paid envelope provided or return your envelope and donation for a Special Collection which will be held at Masses next weekend.

You may also donate (securely) online by credit card at

Sunday 14th November: Remembrance Day Mass

Sunday 14th November at 11am Mass, we will hold a special Mass for the Armed Forces who have given their lives defending our country.

Please join us and pray for everyone who defended our country and gave us the freedom we enjoy today. May they all rest in Peace.

Expressions of Interest Prison Biscuit Baking

The Parish has been approached by the Prison Co-ordinator of Melaleuca Prison to provide home baked biscuits for the prisoners at Christmas Time. In previous years this was an initiative by Fr David Shelton OMI, however since Fr Shelton’s passing and COVID we have not provided this service. If you would like to participate in this important ministry in the true spirit of Christmas in 2021 please leave your details with the Parish Office and we can then send you the baking information sheet and delivery date for the biscuits to the Parish Office.

Mass Intentions

Please click here for the Mass Intentions of the week (from 24th  October to  30th October 2021).

To book your Mass Intentions please contact the Parish office on 9335 2268 (Monday to Friday from 9am to 3pm).

The Planned Giving Programme 

The planned giving programme is an important part of the Parish as it allows us to maintain all aspects of the Basilica, Presbytery and Parish Administration Centre. To keep the Parish viable, we must maintain a target of 95% and above each week. Last week’s giving was 50%.

Please consider joining the Planned Giving Programme. If you are not already a member, for more information contact the Parish Office.  Thank you!

Have a wonderful weekend. God bless!

Fr John Sebastian
Rector and Parish Priest