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Saturday 7 October 2023

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God speaks to us in many ways—through Scripture, through our Church tradition, in our Church’s teaching, and through modern-day prophets. Are we attentive and receptive to God’s word to us through these messengers?

Saturday 30 October 2023

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Do our words indicate our obedience to God? If not our words, do our actions?

Saturday 16 September 2023

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The lesson is clear: If we hoard God’s mercy while showing no mercy to others, we risk forfeiting the effects of God’s mercy in our lives.

Saturday 9 September 2023

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Jesus does not discourage disagreement within the community of the Church; he acknowledges the reality of conflict and error and offers his disciples a means for addressing such matters.

Saturday 2 September 2023

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Christian leaders today are still called to sacrifice and serve others as Jesus did.

Saturday 26 August 2023

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The use of the term church in today’s Gospel is one of only three such occurrences in Matthew’s Gospel. Peter in this Gospel is being credited as the foundation for the Church, a privilege granted to him because of his recognition of Jesus’ identity. The Church continues to be grounded in the faith that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Saturday 19 August 2023

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The faith that the Canaanite woman expresses is an affirmation of and confidence in God’s abundant mercy. Yes, salvation comes through Israel, but it overflows for the benefit of all.

Saturday 12 August 2023

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When Peter fears and doubts the person of Jesus, however, he falters. Peter’s example teaches us that true Christian ministry emerges from the faith that Jesus is the Messiah, God’s only Son.

Saturday 5 August 2023

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Until they witnessed Jesus’ Passion and Death, the disciples could not possibly understand what he meant by being “raised from the dead.” We, however, have the benefit of hindsight.