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Saturday 3 February 2024

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We believe that in his prayers Jesus found guidance and direction from God. We also bring our decision-making to God in prayer, asking for his guidance and direction in our lives.

Saturday 27 January 2024

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Jesus appears to be like these healers, but he heals with unique authority and connects his healing activities with the words of his preaching.

Saturday 20 January 2024

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The Kingdom of God is here and now. The time of fulfilment is at hand. How might our lives be different if we more fully shared this sense of the immediacy of God’s kingdom?

Saturday 23 December 2023

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In the model of Mary, we pray that we will be people of faith who recognize God’s saving plan for us and are able respond with obedience.

Saturday 16 December 2023

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Advent … reminds us that Jesus will come again to fulfill the promise of salvation. We pray that we will continue to be watchful as we anticipate that great day.

Saturday 2 December 2023

Our faithfulness to God, through the good times as well as the difficult times, shows us to be ready for the coming of the Son of Man.

Saturday 25 November 2023

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In accepting death on the cross, Jesus shows himself to be one of the hungry, the naked, the ill, and the imprisoned.

Saturday 18 November 2023

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Our life of prayer helps us to discern the gifts that have been given to us by God. This prayer and discernment ought to lead us to use our gifts in the service of God and our neighbor.