Saturday 22 April 2023
As Jesus went to his Father to seek his presence during his moments of difficulties, let us also learn in our lives that we can go to Jesus.
As Jesus went to his Father to seek his presence during his moments of difficulties, let us also learn in our lives that we can go to Jesus.
Let our words and actions reveal to the world that we truly reflect the nature of the Early Christian communities in the world and the joy of Jesus’ Resurrection in our lives.
May this week be an intense spiritual preparation for us all. Let us make every effort to recall the love of God we have experienced either personally or as a family,
When we suffer it seems as though God is absent. But when we pray, we come to realize that God is not absent, but is present in our suffering.
As we move closer to the celebration of Easter, let us make every effort to amend our lives, to live as worthy sons and daughters of God.
When faced with difficulties let us be firm in our faith, hope and trust in God.
The 40 days of our Lenten journey should be a powerful reminder to all of us about the love, mercy, and compassion of God in everyone’s personal life.
All of us need to stay awake to discern what is good or bad and find out more diligently whether what we witness with our sight offers us life or death.
Friends, if you want to win the world, win people with your genuine love, forgiveness, kindness, and compassion.
True disciples need to cultivate the inner attitudes and dispositions that transform the heart and build up love.