Saturday 6 April 2024
Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, we are among those who are blessed, for we have not seen and yet believe.
Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, we are among those who are blessed, for we have not seen and yet believe.
As we meditate on the cross, we ask again and anew what it means to make the statement of faith that Jesus, in his obedient suffering and dying, revealed himself to us as God’s Son.
Through his death and Resurrection, Jesus conquered Satan, the ruler of this world.
We wish to keep our sins hidden, even from God. Jesus has come into the world to reveal our sins so that they may be forgiven.
In our prayers we seek to deepen our relationship with the person of Christ.
In his Transfiguration, we see an anticipation of the glory of Jesus’ Resurrection.
During Lent, we are led by the Holy Spirit to remember the vows of Baptism in which we promised to reject sin and to follow Jesus.
Even when Jesus was in deserted places, people sought him out in search of his healing.
We believe that in his prayers Jesus found guidance and direction from God. We also bring our decision-making to God in prayer, asking for his guidance and direction in our lives.
Jesus appears to be like these healers, but he heals with unique authority and connects his healing activities with the words of his preaching.