Saturday 28 September 2024
In vivid terms Jesus teaches his disciples the consequences to those who would put obstacles before people who are on the road to faith.
In vivid terms Jesus teaches his disciples the consequences to those who would put obstacles before people who are on the road to faith.
Who are the people without power or status in our society that Jesus is calling us to serve? Do we do so willingly?
We can easily miss the fear that Jesus’ words must have evoked in his disciples.
We are a sacramental people who believe that God’s grace is given to us through these physical signs.
Jesus reminds us that we do not make ourselves holy by our actions. Rather, we become holy when we allow God’s Spirit to transform us.
Each person must make his or her own judgment about who Jesus is and in doing so determine the way of life that he or she will follow.
When we share in the Body and Blood of Christ, Jesus himself comes to dwell within us.
We celebrate this gift of Jesus each time we gather for Mass.
Jesus himself is the Bread of Life who will satisfy every hunger and thirst.
In many important ways, John’s Gospel uses the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes to teach about the Eucharist.