Saturday 2 October 2021
Let us pray for all married couples that they continue to strengthen their union through prayer and support for one another.
Let us pray for all married couples that they continue to strengthen their union through prayer and support for one another.
It is not by having more that a person becomes great, but it is by being and sharing more.
Jesus through his life has taught us that no one achieves glory through a shortcut; but only by daily living the gospel values, and by embracing the daily cross of one’s life.
Yes, the prophecy of Isiah comes true in the person of Jesus Christ. He has come to give us life and life in abundance.
Let our lives be guided by the Word of God, because God’s word always brings life, hope and prosperity to wherever it is preached and practiced.
As the disciples rightly approached Jesus in their painful moments, we also need to turn to Jesus with strong faith.
Dear Parishioners and Friends, Greetings to you all! 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to two seeds; a… Read More »Saturday 17 June 2021