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Saturday 25 January 2025

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Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Today’s Gospel reading combines two separate passages taken from the Gospel of Luke. First we hear the opening verses where Luke establishes the purpose of his Gospel. His style is typical of polished Greek and Roman literature. In this passage, we learn that Luke may have written to a specific person, Theophilus; but the word Theophilus may also be a general reference, functioning as the phrase “Dear Reader” might in contemporary writing. In Greek, the word Theophilus translates as “lover of God.”

Today’s Gospel reading then skips several chapters in which one would find the Infancy Narratives, Jesus’ baptism by John, the temptations Jesus faced in the desert, and the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. In chapter four of Luke’s Gospel, we hear that Jesus is in his hometown of Nazareth, attending the synagogue on the Sabbath, which is said to be his custom. In this account, we find another important clue that Jesus lived as a faithful, observant Jew. We will continue to read from Luke’s Gospel in sequence for the next two Sundays.

As Jesus stands in the synagogue, he reads from the scroll handed to him; it contains the words of the prophet Isaiah. At this early moment in his ministry, Jesus announces his mission in continuity with Israel’s prophetic tradition. This reading from Isaiah defines Jesus’ ministry. We will find more evidence of this as we continue to read from Luke’s Gospel throughout the year. Jesus’ ministry will include bringing glad tidings to the poor, liberty to captives, healing to the sick, freedom to the oppressed, and proclaiming a year acceptable to the Lord.

Through this text from Isaiah, Jesus announces God’s salvation. The “year acceptable to the Lord” is a reference to the Jewish tradition of Sabbath years and jubilee. The Sabbath year was observed every seventh year. It was a year of rest when land was left fallow and food stores were to be shared equally with all. A year of Jubilee was celebrated every fiftieth year, the conclusion of seven cycles of Sabbath years. It was a year of renewal in which debts were forgiven, and slaves were freed.

This tradition of Jubilee is the framework for God’s promise of salvation. And yet in Jesus, something new begins. Jesus not only announces God’s salvation, he brings this salvation about in his person. Jesus is Yahweh’s Anointed One, filled with the Spirit of God. The Kingdom of God is now at hand. It is made present in Jesus, in his life, death, and Resurrection. Jesus will send the Holy Spirit so that the Kingdom of God can be fulfilled.

The Holy Spirit is Jesus’ gift to the Church. The Holy Spirit enables the Church to continue the mission of Jesus. When we do what Jesus did—bring glad tidings to  the poor, liberty to captives, healing to the sick, and freedom to the oppressed—we serve the Kingdom of God. (source Loyola Press).

The Weekend eBulletin

Click here to download the eBulletins for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C.

Jubilee Year 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope

What is a Jubilee? A Jubilee is a special year of grace and conversion, involving prayer, pilgrimage and sacramental repentance, held every 25 years, or during other years as called for by the Pope.

Through a series of concrete rituals, acts and commitments, the goal of a Jubilee year is to inspire and encourage holiness of life among the faithful and therefore to strengthen the Church’s witness to God’s loving mercy in and for the world.

This year the Basilica of St Patrick has been chosen as one of the five Churches in the Archdiocese of Perth as a place of pilgrimage. We invite everyone to participate in this Jubilee Year.

2025 Pilgrims of Hope books available from the Piety Stall and Parish Office for $2.

On Monday 3rd February Fr Andrew Chen OMI, will be installed as the new Australian Provincial in Melbourne. Frs Daniel Szewc, Michael Twigg, Mathew Raj and Meno Basti will also be installed as his new councillors. We ask that you keep them all in your prayers.

Anointing of the Sick Mass

The next Anointing of the Sick Mass will be held on Tuesday 4th February at the Midday Mass.

Aquinas Schola Choir

The Aquinas Boys Choir will return to sing at the Saturday 6pm Vigil Masses on Saturday commencing on Saturday 9th February.

Parish Morning Tea

The next Parish Morning Tea will be held on Sunday 16th February after the 8am Mass in the Presbytery Carport. All Welcome.

Seniors Morning Tea

The senior’s morning teas will return in 2025 dates will be advised.

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day is Tuesday 11 February 2025. It is a Global Day of Action dedicated to raising awareness of online safety.

Pope Francis in his 2024 address on Communications Day, asks us to pray that ‘human dignity may never lose its bearings, and that the wisdom that was present before all modern technology may return to us’.

Below are some links to assist you and there is also a flyer in the foyers of the Church this weekend.

eSafety Resources for Communities & Families Page

Basilica Carpark

The Basilica grounds are open at 7am to 7.30pm Mon to Sunday. Any cars that are parked in the grounds after lockup will need to be collected the following morning. Parking in the Basilica grounds is at your own risk.

Safeguarding of our children in the Parish

The Archdiocesan Safeguarding Project was started in 2016 by Archbishop Timothy Costello SDB with the aim of providing a safe and secure environment for all its members, leaders and especially children and vulnerable adults. The parish of St Patrick’s Basilica is committed to creating a safe parish.  To read more, visit

Weekly Giving

The collections are an important part of a Parish life. Your weekly 1st collection donations support the Priests in the parish to minister to the needs of the parish community and the Fremantle boarders.

Your weekly 2nd collection donations help us to maintain all aspects of the Basilica, Presbytery and Administration Centre. Without your assistance we would not be able to

provide and maintain the Parish and its community. Thank You!

Please continue to give generously via the collection plate, tap and go tablets or direct deposits into the accounts below.

EFT First Collection Details

BSB: 086 006
A/c No: 56187 5405
Reference: 1st Collection and your name
First Collection supports the Priests.

EFT Second Collection Details

BSB: 066 107
A/c No:  0080 0216
Reference: 2nd Collection and your name
Second Collection supports the Parish.