Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Today’s Gospel continues to elaborate on the tension between Jesus and the scribes and Pharisees. Our Lectionary sequence at this point, however, is not quite a continuous reading of Matthew. In between last week’s reading from Matthew and this week’s, we find Jesus’ question to the Pharisees about the Messiah being “David’s son.” Having concluded a series of dialogues with the Pharisees and other religious leaders, Jesus now directs his words to the crowds, warning them not to follow the example of the scribes and Pharisees.
The scribes and Pharisees were teachers of the Mosaic Law. They were entrusted with its interpretation and, thus, were influential in determining Jewish practice. In order to appreciate the conflict that is evident in this passage, we must understand that Jesus was basing his teachings on the same laws and traditions available to the Pharisees. Both were interpreting the Law of Moses in order to better adapt it to contemporary Jewish life. The differences between their teachings, therefore, are often highlighted and amplified by Matthew.
This part of Matthew’s Gospel reflects aspects of the conflict between his Christian community and Pharisaic Judaism. Matthew’s Church is thought to have included many Jewish Christians who may not have believed that a break with the synagogue was necessary to be a follower of Jesus. Jesus tells the crowd that it is correct to do and observe what the scribes and Pharisees teach; it is their example that is to be avoided, namely, their love of being honored and exalted. Hence, the Gospel reflects the tension of an active internal debate within the early Church.
Jesus references two aspects of Jewish spiritual life prescribed by the Law of Moses. Phylacteries are small boxes which contain Scripture verses that are placed on the left forearm and forehead. Tassels refer to the fringes worn on the corners of a person’s garments; the tassels help to remind those who wear them to keep the commandments.
The warning Jesus gives against seeking places of honor in the community was directed as much toward the Christian community as the named Jewish leaders. Indeed, it is a warning that resonates with us today. Christian leadership is a call to service for the glory of God; those who would be leaders among us must, like Jesus, be servants of all. (source: Loyola Press)
The Weekend Bulletin
Click here to download the ebulletins for the Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A.
November Mass Offerings
During the month of November each year, we pray for those who have departed this world. November Mass Offering envelopes are now available on the pews and from the parish office and can be returned with your offering to the parish office or via the collections on the weekends.

Parish Morning Tea
The next Parish Morning Tea will be held on Sunday 5th November 2023 after the 8am Mass in the Presbytery Carport. All Welcome.
The Parish Office
The Parish Office will be closed on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th November 2023. Should you require anything urgent during this time please email
CBC Exams
Please note that the Parish Centre will host CBC ATAR Exams from Monday 30th October to Friday 17th November 2023. We ask that you please keep the boys in your prayers during this time and please be mindful when using the toilets in the Parish Centre.
Fr John Archbold OMI Deceased Anniversary Mass
Please join us as we celebrate the First Anniversary of Fr John Archbold OMI death on Friday 17th November 2023 at the Midday Mass. Fr Archbold was part of the Fremantle Parish for some 26 years and was well known for his Paddy Joke’s.
Senior’s Morning Tea
The next Senior’s Morning Tea will be celebrated on Monday 20th November 2023 at 10am in the Parish Centre. All Senior’s Welcome.
The Archbishop’s Christmas Appeal for Lifelink will be held next weekend on 11/12 November 2023.
Please collect your copy of the Archbishop’s Appeal Letter after Mass this weekend, read his message and please give generously to support the valuable work of the Church’s social service agencies.
You may mail your gift in the reply-paid envelope provided or return your envelope and donation for a Special Collection which will be held at all Masses next weekend.
You may also donate (securely) online by credit card at
Advent Retreat
Advent can be a time of waiting with joyful excitement and intense anticipation, when we are reminded that two thousand years ago Jesus, God’s Son, the Word of God, was born.
You are invited as part of your preparation for Christmas to come together for a series of four one-hour prayerful evenings using some of the meditation practices based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
John Auer will once again lead us in four Monday sessions commencing on Monday 27th November and thereafter on the 4th, 11th and 18th December at 6.00 pm at St. Patrick’s Basilica Fremantle Parish Centre. Register your details with the Parish Office on 9335 2268 or via email All welcome to this free event.
Planned Giving
The Planned Giving Programme is an important part of the Parish and assists us to maintain all aspects of the Basilica, Presbytery and Parish Administration Centre. To keep the Parish viable, we must maintain a target of 95% and above each week. Last week giving was 100%.
Please consider joining the Planned Giving Programme. For more information contact the Parish Office. Thank you!
EFT First Collection Details
BSB: 086 006
A/c No: 56187 5405
Reference: 1st Collection and your name
First Collection supports the Priests.
EFT Second Collection Details
BSB: 066 107
A/c No: 0080 0216
Reference: 2nd Collection and your name
Second Collection supports the Parish.
Safeguarding of our children in the Parish
The Archdiocesan Safeguarding Project was started in 2016 by Archbishop Timothy Costello SDB with the aim of providing a safe and secure environment for all its members, leaders and especially children and vulnerable adults. The parish of St Patrick’s Basilica is committed to creating a safe parish. To read more, visit
Upcoming Events
Sunday 5th November
Parish Morning Tea
Weekend 11th/12th November
Lifelink Appeal
Friday 17th November
Mass for Fr John Archbold OMI
Monday 20th November
Senior’s Morning Tea
Monday 27th November
Commencement of Advent Retreat