Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Greetings to you all!
Fr. Eugene Lobo S.J, reflecting on the Liturgy of the Word, says that in today’s Gospel we are presented with an overwhelming picture of God. He is a God who is all-loving and all-forgiving. The Gospel along with the stories of lost sheep and lost coin gives us the familiar story of the Prodigal Son, generally understood as the greatest short story in the world. The context of today’s parable is very important. The Scribes and Pharisees, who considered themselves as followers of the law and self-righteous, grumble that Jesus is the friend of sinners and eats with them. So, Jesus tells the story about a father who is generous and forgiving. The central focus of the Parable, however, remains on the Father from the beginning to the end. The liturgy reminds us in so many ways that reconciliation and repentance are both a communal responsibility and a personal one. What unites the story and makes it powerful is the abundance of love the father shows towards both his sons.
In the First Reading from the Book of Exodus, we hear Moses on Mount Sinai talking to God. He was preparing to be with the people in a special way. But the people encamped at the base violated the first commandment. They demanded Aaron to fashion an image to go before them on the journey, who made the golden calf. The Lord was upset because his chosen people were acting perversely. They had cast for themselves an image of a calf worshipped and sacrificed to it. God was prepared to destroy them all. Hearing this, Moses implored God to have mercy on the sinful people. He reminded the divinity that Israel belongs to God, and he alone brought them out of Egypt. God changed his mind and decided not to destroy the people as He had originally planned. This shows the extent of the mercy that God shows on his people.
In the Second Reading from the First Letter of Paul to Timothy, we read how the mercy of God sanctified Paul because he had sincerity of heart. By the mercy of God, Paul, formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and a man of violence, was made an example to those who would come to believe in Jesus. Paul first expresses his gratefulness to Jesus for the call he received to preach the Gospel. He was deeply aware that he was a sinner since he persecuted the church of God. Therefore, he had all the more reason to be grateful for the grace that united him to Christ and made him a minister of the Gospel. He recognized that the grace of our Lord overflowed in him with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.”
God knows us well, but do I recognise the love and mercy of God in my life? When I become aware of His love and mercy in my life, then I will totally commit myself to the values of the gospel in my life. Amen
Fr. John Sebastian OMI
Rector & Parish Priest
The weekend eBulletin
Click here to download the eBulletin for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C.
Safeguarding Sunday 11th August 2022
This weekend, the Catholic Church in Australia marks Safeguarding Sunday, on which we pray for those who have been abused, their families and supporters. We recognise and apologise for the harm done by priests, religious and lay people in Church settings. Rebuilding trust and confidence in the Church requires constant work and vigilance. We recommit to cultural change that will help the Church be a place where people feel safe and supported.
Message from Fr Christian Fini OMI Provincial
Fr Christian Fini OMI, Provincial of the Australian Province wishes to advise that Fr John Patrick OMI, will join the Fremantle Oblate Community on Friday 16 September 2022.
Fr Patrick is from the Jaffna Province, professed his first vows in 2002, final commitment and diaconate took place in 2009 at St. Joseph’s Chapel, Columbuthurai and was ordained St. Mary’s Cathedral in Jaffna. He has worked as Hospital Chaplain and parish priest in the diocese of Jaffna.
Fr Patrick will be with us in Fremantle until Easter 2023.

Our Lady of Tindari (Black Madonna)
This Sunday 11 September the Italian Community of Fremantle comes together to celebrate and honour the Madonna Del Tindari (Black Madonna) in the Basilica, with a concelebrated Mass at 9.30am led by Monsignor Michael Keating. This will be followed by tea and coffee in the Parish Centre. There will be no procession. All parishioners are welcome to attend and celebrate with our Italian Community here in Fremantle.

Monthly Senior’s Morning Tea
Monthly Senior’s Morning Tea is a special parish initiative to bring our seniors together to share a cuppa and a chat. The Senior’s morning tea is held every third Monday of each month in the Parish Hall from 10am to 11am. The Next Senior’s Morning Tea will be held on Monday 19 September at 10am in the Parish hall.

Parish Morning Tea
Please join us on the First Sunday of every month after the 8am Mass for our Parish Morning Tea. The next morning tea will be on Sunday 9th October after the 8am Mass All Welcome.
Holy Land Pilgrimage
Join Monsignor Michael Keating on a wonderful pilgrimage to Israel and Jordan. It is from Nov 22 to Dec 8. It is very safe and not too tiring. For itinerary e-mail or send a text to Sheila or Veronica on 0433 771 979 or 0402 290 827 for more info. Do hurry as seats are now limited.
The Ursulines 70th Anniversary Celebrations
You are warmly invited to help us celebrate the gift of 70 years of Ursuline presence in Western Australia. Anniversary celebrations will commence at 6pm Mass on Saturday 22nd October 2022 and will be followed by a light supper together in the Parish Hall. Please let anyone associated with the Ursuline Missionaries of the Sacred Heart know about this special 70th celebration. All welcome. RSVP by 15th October for catering purposes – to Sr. Lynn (0403860639) or the Parish Office (93352268).
Basilica Guardians
We are urgently seeking volunteers who can assist with the Basilica Guardians. The Basilica Guardians allow us to keep the Church open on weekdays (Monday to Friday) from after midday Mass until 3pm. If you would like to volunteer, please call the Parish Office. Thank you to those who have already volunteered. As soon as we have enough volunteers, we will commence a roster.
Parish Centre Toilets
Over the past few weeks, we have had some issues with the toilets and access to the toilet area. During the week if you wish to use the toilets and they are locked, please call into the parish office and ask for them to be opened. On the Weekends the toilets will only be opened before Masses. Thank you.
Planned Giving
The Planned Giving Programme is an important part of the Parish and assists us to maintain all aspects of the Basilica, Presbytery and Parish Administration Centre. To keep the Parish viable, we must maintain a target of 95% and above each week. Last week giving was 83%.
Please consider joining the Planned Giving Programme. For more information contact the Parish Office. Thank you!
EFT First Collection Details
BSB: 086 006
A/c No: 56187 5405
Reference: 1st Collection and your name
First Collection supports the Priests.
EFT Second Collection Details
BSB: 066 107
A/c No: 0080 0216
Reference: 2nd Collection and your name
Second Collection supports the Parish.
Regarding Masks
Masks are not mandatory; however, masks are encouraged where physical distancing is not possible if you have cold & flu symptoms, or you wish to safeguard yourself from the COVID-19 virus.
Safeguarding of our children in the Parish
The Archdiocesan Safeguarding Project was started in 2016 by Archbishop Timothy Costello SDB with the aim of providing a safe and secure environment for all its members, leaders and especially children and vulnerable adults. The parish of St Patrick’s Basilica is committed to creating a safe parish. To read more please click here.
Upcoming Events
Sunday 11 September: Our Lady of Tindari (Black Madonna); Mass Safeguarding Sunday
Saturday 17 September: Parish First Communion Mass
Sunday 18 September: Iona College Confirmation Mass
Monday 19 September: Senior’s Morning Tea