Saturday 16 December 2023
Advent … reminds us that Jesus will come again to fulfill the promise of salvation. We pray that we will continue to be watchful as we anticipate that great day.
Advent … reminds us that Jesus will come again to fulfill the promise of salvation. We pray that we will continue to be watchful as we anticipate that great day.
Our Baptism commissions us to call others to life as disciples of Jesus.
Our faithfulness to God, through the good times as well as the difficult times, shows us to be ready for the coming of the Son of Man.
In accepting death on the cross, Jesus shows himself to be one of the hungry, the naked, the ill, and the imprisoned.
Our life of prayer helps us to discern the gifts that have been given to us by God. This prayer and discernment ought to lead us to use our gifts in the service of God and our neighbor.
The question remains for us to ask ourselves, are we ready to receive Jesus? Will we be prepared to receive him?
Christian leadership is a call to service for the glory of God; those who would be leaders among us must, like Jesus, be servants of all.
Love of God finds its expression in our love for our neighbour.
Do we attach ourselves to worldly things at the expense of the love and honour that we owe to God?
We are reminded that while many are invited to the kingdom of heaven, not all are able to meet its requirements. God invites us to his feast, giving us his salvation. Yet he asks us to repent for our sins.