Saturday 20 June 2024
When we bring our worries to God in prayer, we might just begin to learn to see things from God’s perspective.
When we bring our worries to God in prayer, we might just begin to learn to see things from God’s perspective.
In God we live and move and have our being, but God is a mystery and his kingdom, though present, has not yet come into its fullness.
Mark then brings Jesus’ family back into the picture. … This gives Jesus the opportunity to point out that family for him is not based on blood.
Those who drink from the chalice are invited to share in a new covenant which will be sealed by Jesus’ own blood.
As baptized Christians, we share in the life of the blessed Trinity and seek to invite others to share in God’s love.
This Gospel reminds us that the Church is called to be a reconciling presence in the world.
Those who believe in Jesus will be empowered to do what Jesus himself has done.
Through His death and Resurrection, we have received the grace to love others as Jesus has commanded.
Jesus’ presence with us through the Gift of the Holy Spirit enables us to continue the work of love and reconciliation that he began.
The work of ecumenism is to restore unity among all Christians so that we form one flock under one shepherd, as God desires.