Saturday 13 November 2021
If I live my daily lives on this earth to the fullest then I will not be worried to meet death, rather I will be happy to meet it, because being united with my heavenly Father is my ultimate aim of my life.
If I live my daily lives on this earth to the fullest then I will not be worried to meet death, rather I will be happy to meet it, because being united with my heavenly Father is my ultimate aim of my life.
The Word of God powerfully reminds us that, we must be charitable towards our needy neighbour, not only when we have some superfluous goods which we can give away, but even when we have only bare essentials our ourselves.
When Jesus talked about love of neighbour, he meant everyone who was in need.
Let us continue to ask Jesus at this troubled time of the world, that we continue to uphold our faith in Jesus high, because nothing is impossible for God.
Service to one’s brothers and sisters is the beautiful statement a disciple of Jesus can leave to the world.
Dear Parishioners and Friends, Greetings to you all! 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Year B A good intention alone is not sufficient, but it must… Read More »Saturday 9 October 2021
Let us pray for all married couples that they continue to strengthen their union through prayer and support for one another.
Fr John Sebastian shares a message from Pope Francis on the topic of ‘an even wider “we”‘.
It is not by having more that a person becomes great, but it is by being and sharing more.
Jesus through his life has taught us that no one achieves glory through a shortcut; but only by daily living the gospel values, and by embracing the daily cross of one’s life.