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Saturday 8 February 2025

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Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Last Sunday, we heard how Jesus was rejected in his hometown of Nazareth. In the verses that follow, Jesus travels to the town of Capernaum and begins his ministry of teaching and healing. While in Capernaum, Jesus cures a man possessed with a demon and heals Simon’s mother-in-law. After spending some time there, Jesus prepares to preach in other places. The fact that Jesus had previously been in Simon’s home and healed his mother-in-law suggests that this encounter is not the first between Jesus and Simon Peter. We can read today’s Gospel, therefore, as a description of the developing relationship between Jesus and Simon Peter.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches from Simon’s boat. Jesus turns to Simon and instructs him about where to lower the fishing nets. Simon and others have been fishing throughout the night and have not caught anything. Simon protests, claiming that such an effort would be futile. Simon ultimately obeys Jesus and lowers his nets into the deeper water as directed. Notice here that Peter calls Jesus by the title “master.” He already recognizes Jesus as a person of authority. They catch so many fish that the nets begin to tear; Jesus’ presence has created abundance out of scarcity, just as it did at the wedding feast at Cana, which we heard at Mass just a few weeks ago.

Simon Peter becomes a follower of Jesus immediately. He calls Jesus’ “Lord”— the title given to Jesus after his Resurrection—and protests his worthiness to be in Jesus’ presence. Today’s Gospel, therefore, marks a turning point in the relationship between Jesus and Peter.

Two of Simon’s partners are also named as witnesses to the event described in today’s Gospel: Zebedee’s sons, James and John. Yet Jesus’ words are addressed only to Simon. Jesus gives Simon a new job, telling him that he will become a different kind of fisherman. No longer will he catch fish; instead, he will catch people. In these words, we hear the beginning of the leadership role that Peter will have within the community of disciples. Peter was chosen for this role. His task will be to bring others to Jesus. Already he is doing so; the Gospel tells us that all the fishermen with Peter also left their nets and followed Jesus.

We continue to speak of Peter’s leadership and influence in the Church today when we call the pope the “successor of Peter.” We participate in the mission of the Church when we bring people to Christ through the example and positive influence of our lives. (Source Loyola Press).

The Weekend eBulletin

Click here to download the eBulletin for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C.

Jubilee Year 2025 – Pilgrims of Hope

As part of the Jubilee Plenary indulgence, prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father is the opportunity for the faithful to spiritually partake in the great challenges and hopes that the Pope carries in his heart for the good of humanity. To foster and encourage this dimension of prayer the Vatican has a QR Code which will allow us to join the Holy Father in Prayer. These QR Codes are available on every second pew in the Church.

During this Jubilee Year we will also pray the Jubilee Prayer instead of Our Parish Prayer which is printed in the bulletin.

Parish Morning Tea

The next Parish Morning Tea will be held on Sunday 16th February after the 8am Mass in the Presbytery Carport. All Welcome.

Ash Wednesday Masses

Masses on Wednesday 5th March, Ash Wednesday, will be celebrated at Midday and 7pm. Ashes will be distributed at both Masses.

Fr Andrew Chen OMI and new Provincial Council

Last Monday Fr Andrew Chen, Australian Oblate Provincial and his new Provincial Council were installed in their new positions. We would also like to thank Fr Andrew Chen and the Provincial Council for the $10,000 donation to the Basilica Music Program. Let us keep Fr Andrew and his Councillors in our prayers.

Special Mass & Welcome

On Sunday 2nd March we will combine the 9.30am Italian Mass and the 11am Mass into one Mass at 10am to welcome and introduce our newly appointed Australian Oblate Provincial Fr Andrew Chen OMI. Following Mass there will be a morning tea in the Parish Centre where you will have a chance to meet with him. RSVP required and all welcome.

World Day of Prayer 2025 – Friday 7th March

The World Day of Prayer is an ecumenical prayer service that is interdenominational and each year it celebrates different parts of the world.

This year the Basilica of St Patrick’s will host the World Day of Prayer for the Cook Islands on Friday 7th March at 10am. We are urgently seeking assistance with morning tea prep and food. If you can assist, please contact the parish office.

Commencing Sunday 2nd March – Project Compassion Sunday

With 2025 being a Jubilee Year with the theme Pilgrims of Hope. It is our hope that we can come together to support Project Compassion and Unite Against Poverty! Donation boxes and envelopes will be available on Sunday 2nd March in the side foyers of the Church, please pick up a donation box or donation envelope and give generously during this Lenten Season. There will be a special collection at all Masses on Sunday 9th March.

Piety Stall Volunteer

We are seeking a volunteer who can assist on Sundays 11am to Midday in the Piety Stall. The Piety Stall is the little shop we have in the front foyer of the Church. You will be required to be stationed at the Piety Stall during that time and assist with sale of items. If you can assist, please contact the Parish Office.

Planned Giving 2025/2026

Our new Planned Giving year will commence in March 2025. If you are a current planned giver but would like to be removed from the list, or if you are not currently a planned giver and would like to join, please contact the Parish Office ASAP. New planned giving envelopes will be available for collection in the coming weeks.

The new St Patrick’s chamber choir are seeking talented singers to join for services, concerts and recordings. If you think you’d love to sing fantastic music with passion (or just want to improve your skills) this is the group for you. Everyone is welcome, every Monday, 6:30pm. Contact the parish of ice for more information.

Please Note: The Parish Office will be closed on Tuesday 25th February.

Young Adult Catholic Bible Study

Are you interested in learning more about the Bible? Or looking to meet other devout Catholics your age? Starting on the Sunday, the 16th February, after the 7:00 pm Mass at Christ the Catholic Church in Beaconsfield, the parish will begin a 6 week Bible study on the Epistle to the Hebrews in the Parish Hall. The Bible study will be a great opportunity to learn about the Bible and meet other young Catholics in the Fremantle area.

When: After the 7 pm Mass at 8:00 pm, 16 February (Sunday)
Where: Christ the King Catholic Church, Beaconsfield (in the hall)

Basilica Carpark

The Basilica grounds are open at 7am to 7.30pm Mon to Sunday. Any cars that are parked in the grounds after lockup will need to be collected the following morning. Parking in the Basilica grounds is at your own risk.

Safeguarding of our children in the Parish

The Archdiocesan Safeguarding Project was started in 2016 by Archbishop Timothy Costello SDB with the aim of providing a safe and secure environment for all its members, leaders and especially children and vulnerable adults. The parish of St Patrick’s Basilica is committed to creating a safe parish.  To read more, visit

Weekly Giving

The collections are an important part of a Parish life. Your weekly 1st collection donations support the Priests in the parish to minister to the needs of the parish community and the Fremantle boarders.

Your weekly 2nd collection donations help us to maintain all aspects of the Basilica, Presbytery and Administration Centre. Without your assistance we would not be able to provide and maintain the Parish and its community. Thank You!

Please continue to give generously via the collection plate, tap and go tablets or direct deposits into the accounts below.

EFT First Collection Details

BSB: 086 006
A/c No: 56187 5405
Reference: 1st Collection and your name
First Collection supports the Priests.

EFT Second Collection Details

BSB: 066 107
A/c No:  0080 0216
Reference: 2nd Collection and your name
Second Collection supports the Parish.

Coming Events

Sunday 16th February
Parish Morning Tea

Sunday 2nd March
Special Mass & Welcome Fr Andrew Chen OMI, new Australian Oblate Provincial

Wednesday 5th March
Ash Wednesday

Friday 7th March
World Day of Prayer